Taxes and Fees Associated With Property Title Transfer

Information about the taxes and fees associated with property title transfer in Thailand. This could include details on transfer fees, particular business taxes, stamp duty, and withholding tax.

Chanote (Nor Sor 4 Jor) is the most credible type of land deed and grants the holder full rights to deal with or utilize the property. The document is backed by the Land Department and has precise boundaries.

Chanote Deed

The N.S.4.J or Chanote deed is the only land title that entitles true ownership of a piece of land in Thailand. It is an accurately surveyed and GPS plotted piece of land and is marked by unique numbered survey markers set in the ground. It is commonly found in the more developed areas of the country and allows for legal acts to be undertaken upon it such as selling, leasing, and mortgages.

A Confirmed Certificate of Use is another type of land title deed in Thailand. It includes all the transaction records for a parcel of land including sales and mortgage records and also allows a grant of rights to third parties such as a long-term lease or usufruct. However, owners of a Confirmed Certificate of Use only have one year to evict squatters from the property before they lose their rightful ownership through hostile possession.

Nor Sor 3 Gor

As a foreign investor, the most important document you can look for when purchasing land is the Nor Sor 3 Gor. This gives the right to occupy a plot of land and can be sold, transferred or mortgaged. However, it does not include a specific boundary so you need to know exactly where your property starts and ends by doing a ground survey or checking with neighbours.

A black Garuda appears on this document which is also known as a Certificate of Use. This title deed is more accurate than the Nor Sor 3 as the land areas are measured and set using satellite image and have their boundaries clearly marked.

It is still not a full title deed and cannot be registered for rights such as usufruct or a lease but it is the best that one can get without having to wait until it is changed to Chanotte. It can be upgraded into a Chanote deed by simply filing a request with the Land Department who will then carry out final official measurements of the land area and place official markers.

Nor Sor Sam

As a foreigner looking to buying property in Thailand it is important to understand the various types of land title deeds available and how these work. The Chanote, Nor Sor 3 Gor and Nor Sor Sam are the most common title deeds that you will encounter on the market.

A Nor Sor Sam, also known as a Gor Sor 4 Jor, is a full title deed document and is the only one that gives the holder full rights to the land mentioned on the deed. It is the most valuable type of land title.

The Nor Sor 3 Gor is a partial title deed that provides proof of ownership and can be used to register rights (sale, mortgage etc.) and for land surveying purposes. It can also be upgraded to a Nor Sor Sam.

Power of Attorney

If the buyer is unable to make it to the land office for the transfer, they can appoint a lawyer or other representative with power of attorney. The POA must follow the official form provided by the land office and be notarized by a Thai lawyer or the embassy of their home country.

The POA can also be signed by a non-lawyer, but it should be carefully drafted and certified to ensure that it does not give the representative too much authority. It is best to consult with a lawyer who has experience with these transactions in order to have an effective and valid POA.

When a foreigner purchases land, they must register their title at the Land Department. This is a simple process and can be done remotely, but it requires the proper paperwork. This includes a sales agreement, ID documents, and a copy of the original title deed (Chanote). The transfer must be approved by an officer at the land office before it is complete.

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